Minggu, 30 April 2017

Tutorial : How To Make Coffee Milk

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb.

Back again on my blog, this time I will discuss a little milk milk production tutorial. And may be useful for the readers.

Milk-making ingredients:

  • 1.     Coffee

  •  Sugar

  •  Milk


The first step :
First of all, we are ready a pitcher to cook water. Cook water on the stove that has been turned on, and wait a few minutes later until the water is completely boiling. In order for the germs in the raw water to die and the water becomes clean and healthy.

Step two:
We are ready to powder coffee, milk, and a little sugar to add a sweet taste to the coffee we want to make. And do not forget to prepare a container for a coffee mixer with hot water already in cooking.

Third step :
After waiting for a few minutes the water was already ripe and put into containers that already exist we fill with coffee and a little sugar. Once it has been put in the container, hot water and coffee in stir until mixed all. Then after it is mixed all we filter the coffee into another container for coffee grounds do not come and interfere when drinking.

Step four:
Ready to cup, and fill with milk that is in ready right. Then pour the already filtered coffee into a glass that already contains with milk and stir until blended. And dairy coffee ready to shun the dairy coffee fans.

So is the tutorial about the milk coffee that I can get wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb.

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